Who Did It? Card Game First Impressions

In Who Did It? you’re trying to find out which animal popped.

It better not be one of yours!

Players race to get rid of their cards so that they can avoid the blame of owning the animal that pooped.

Who Did It? Game Play

Quite simply a player will play any one of their animal cards from hand, say a Hamster. Then they say for example, “It wasn’t my Hamster it was your Fish”. Now the first player to play a fish down from their hand will say “It wasn’t my fish, it was your Cat” etc

Who Did It? Cards

Eventually, one player will be the only one left with cards in hand in which case they get a poop token. Or a player may say “…it was your Parrot” and no one has a Parrot left in hand to play. In which case they had no one to blame and get a poop token.

Either way, a new round begins and when a player gets 3 poop tokens the player/s with the fewest wins.


Well, it’s different that’s for sure. It’s a silly theme for a silly game and it works for me.


The cards are coloured to the player so make sure everyone has their own deck. That is that.

Components & Artwork

Standard cards and tokens.

The art is bright, colourful and fun which is what I want from a game like this.

Ease of Teaching

Obviously very easy to teach. Not many rules here, just play the named card, then name a different card.

Who Did It? Summary

This is very fun, much more fun than it sounds and if you play with the full 6 players is frantic and hilarious. I would compare this to a Pit or something similar that is actually fast-paced, but simple.

It’s not just the speed element, there is the memory element as well. If you’re going to name ‘Cat’ you need to be sure at least one other player has a cat in their hand. Have you been card counting?

So yeah, good fun all around.

Jesta ThaRogue

Who Did It? First Impressions
Article Name
Who Did It? First Impressions
Who Did It? Review
Jesta ThaRogue


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