Tiny Epic Quest First Impressions

Tiny Epic Quest Box

Tiny Epic Quest definitely has tiny quests.

But are they epic?

A world of peace has been torn asunder by the opening of a vile portal from the goblin kingdom. Nasty goblins pour into the peaceful groves and villages of the elf world, setting the realm ablaze. Now you, the heroes, must quest in order to right this wrong. There are two paths to victory: closing the portal or slaying all the goblins. Which one will you choose? Either way, your quests will be aided by the help of the surviving mushroom folk — and by the epic items that have been lost in the realm’s deep dungeons. The world is ending quickly, so you must act fast to save it, but you also need to know when your luck will run out…

Tiny Epic Quest Game Overview

Quick Rules Summary

Players have meeples on a map made up of cards.

Players take turns picking a transport card to move their meeples in a certain direction. The (I think) horse lets them move on roads horizontally and the boat vertically on rivers.

Once done, players take turns rolling dice and each player activates all of them in a specific order.

The first side moves up a magic track where players can gain spells. The second gives players the power resource they can spend. The third damages the player.

The next two symbols allow meeples to move up temple tracks and the 6th symbol allows playing to attack goblins on their space by rotating their token.

Players can ‘rest’ to drop out of the round and stop being affected, negatively and positively, by the dice.

Then the meeples activate based on the results and their location. Killed goblins are claimed, and spells and quests completed are collected.

Tiny Epic Quest Map

How do you win?

At the end of the game, players score for the number of Goblins killed. Spells earned, Quests completed and Core Items gained. The player with the most points is the winner.

Main Mechanisms

Push your luck on the dice rolls. Risking staying in but taking damage to get those extra steps on the tracks is a key decision.


The USP is in the meeples that hold weapons that have several uses as the game goes on. They’re also worth points at the end.

Tiny Epic Quest Armed Meeples


Fantasy adventure with goblins, magic and stuff. Could be set in the world of Tiny Epic Kingdoms and Defenders.


Never been a fan of maps made up of cards, looks like a pain to set up and it probably was. I don’t remember them moving around too much which is good.

Components & Artwork

Everything is good, especially the meeples and the dice, although the meeple weapons look fragile.

The art is clean and OK, but only shows generic detail, nothing interesting.

Ease of Teaching

Opening information and fairly simple to teach. However, there is a lot going on all over the place.

Similar Games

I’m guessing Tiny Epic Galaxies? Makes sense to me. Both have dice although they are used in different ways. It’s more like Tiny Epic Kingdoms gameplay-wise.

Tiny Epic Quest Review


Tense push your luck with an actual need to stay in for the result of the dice rolls but you don’t want to lose all of your health.

Plenty of things to do.


I quite often found I couldn’t get to areas of the board I wanted to due to the restrictive movement.

There are better games that take just as long and are full-size.

The Tiny Epic games never really hit me.

Tiny Epic Quest Summary

Plenty of better alternatives are available.

Jesta ThaRogue

Tiny Epic Quest First Impressions
Article Name
Tiny Epic Quest First Impressions
Tiny Epic Quest review
Jesta ThaRogue


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