Star Wars: Outer Rim First Impressions

Star Wars: Outer Rim Box

Star Wars: Outer Rim is a pick-up and deliver game set in space.

But not just any space, in a galaxy far, far away.

In Outer Rim, you take on the role of an underworld denizen, setting out to make your mark on the galaxy. You’ll travel the outer rim in your personal ship, hire legendary Star Wars characters to join your crew, and try to become the most famous (or infamous) outlaw in the galaxy!

But it won’t be easy since the warring factions of the galaxy roam the outer rim, hunting down the scum that have proven to be a thorn in their side, and other scoundrels looking to make their mark see you as the perfect target to bring down to bolster their own reputation. Do you have what it takes to survive in the outer rim and become a living legend?

Star Wars: Outer Rim Game Play

TL:DR Travel from planet to planet completing quests to gain fame, first to 10 fame wins.


Well, it’s Star Wars so I have to say early on I’m not a fan. I’ve seen the films and while I enjoy the Star Wars games, I’m not a fan of the world.


I was putting Monumental away while my mate set this up so I didn’t get to see how much effort was put in. But, there are piles of stuff which look straightforward to set up and tokens which go in specific places.

Components & Artwork

These are all very standard. It’s a Fantasy Flight game so the components are the same as all the other games they made.

Not much art to speak of.

Star Wars: Outer Rim Board

Ease of Teaching

You have a cheat sheet that you can follow from top to bottom on your turn. So once this is in your head it’s very simple.

Almost everything is open information. There are “secret” cards players have that they keep, well, secret, but apart from that, you can show other players cards on your turn without affecting much.

Star Wars: Outer Rim Summary

This is essentially a Star Wars-themed pick-up and deliver game. You have your character, your ship and your goal. You go around different planets upgrading both, gaining crew and picking up missions.

I really enjoyed the story on the cards. There is a bit of flavour text as to what you’re picking up and delivering and some missions had a multiple-step process to follow. This made it feel more like an adventure than just “do it for the cash”.

Star Wars Outer Rim Player Board

This is especially enhanced by the numbered cards that give a specific story which really makes you feel like you’re a little part of the bigger universe.

We played with the Unfinished Business expansion too. We didn’t play with the Ambition module of the expansion which gives each player an overarching story and an alternate win condition which sounds really interesting.

On the downside, turns are slow especially if someone needs to take several skill checks and/or buy cards. This can slow turns down a bit.

But, apart from being slow and being Star Wars, I really enjoy it!

Jesta ThaRogue

Star Wars: Outer Rim Review
Star Wars: Outer Rim Review

A sneak attack review of Star Wars: Outer Rim


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