Smoke & Mirrors First Impressions

Smoke & Mirrors Box

Smoke & Mirrors is a bluffing game with just 18 cards.

Can you use deduction and math to win this one?

As the greatest magicians in the world, players will compete against each other by performing bigger and better tricks. The magicians need to be careful, because once their secrets are revealed, they are out!

Smoke & Mirrors Game Play

There are three decks of cards 6 cards each with different coloured backs with patterns of Stars, Swirls and Skulls. Most importantly, each deck has its own numbering system I’ll get to in a bit

Each player is dealt 1 card from each deck.

Smoke & Mirrors Cards

The start player will play 1 card from their hand face down and claim it has a value of 1. Then going around the table, players will play any number of cards claiming the value is 2, then 3, 4 etc

Instead of playing cards, a player may claim the previous player wasn’t exactly telling the truth. They show you their cards, if they were telling the truth, you are out.

If they were lying, they are eliminated instead. If this is the case, you can swap one of your cards with one of theirs and continue playing.

Once per round, a player can take a break and skip their turn.

When 1 player is left they win

Cards & Forming a Hand

The Stars deck has 4x value 1 cards and a Mirror. Swirls have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and a Mirror. Skulls have 4x value 5 cards and a Mirror.

Mirrors can copy any non-mirror card so playing 1 and a Mirror will give a value of 2.

Smoke & Mirrors Card Distribution


A magician theme for some reason. I think this is you calling out your opponent because you saw how their trick was done? That makes sense I suppose.


Shuffle and deal 3 times.

Components & Artwork

The cards are OK. The art isn’t my style but Button Shy games use it a lot.

Ease of Teaching

It’s very easy to teach, you just need to explain how Mirrors work.

Smoke & Mirrors Summary

I really like Coyote, it’s Perudo but more fun. In that game, you have a hidden number and have to call out bluffs on claims they make.

In Smoke & Mirrors, you’re only going up 1 at a time, but it’s really difficult.

You only have so much to work with due to the low amount of numbers on the cards. Swirls have 2-5, but the other 14 cards are 1, 5 or Mirror so you’ll have to bluff quite often.

You just have to try and play a set of cards that COULD be correct based on their potential value. So you have to look at what cards someone played, look at your cards and consider what cards other players could have played, then make a call.

It’s difficult, but good fun. Not one for later on in a long gaming session. 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

Smoke & Mirrors First Impressions
Article Name
Smoke & Mirrors First Impressions
Smoke & Mirrors Review
Jesta ThaRogue


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