Rise of Tribes is an action selection, dudes on a map-style game.
Take your Tribe to victory during the rising moon and sun.
In ancient prehistoric times, you have discovered a new land with plentiful lakes, mountains and forests (and apparently many stone rocks that shall be called dice). Your people can develop new things like basketry or find oxen or simply grow and conquer.
This is my first impressions of the game followed by my final summary.
Rise of Tribes Review
So the dice mechanism is pretty cool, right?
The way you have 2action dice that you roll and you slide it on the action and resolve depending on the result. It’s good, it’s unique, and it works… kinda
To get a double Sun ‘enhanced’ action you need to roll a Sun AND have a Sun as the 1st or 2nd die on that particular track. Otherwise, no bonus action for you.
I guess that’s the game and it’s how it is. It’s explained thematically that your Tribe is on the rise or in decline (for two moons) which is fine I guess. But it’s just mechanically annoying.
One of the goal cards is to gather 6 resources in one turn. I set this up, but couldn’t do the enhanced Gather action to gain the reward. So, I was stuck, not able to move my Tribe, hoping to take the action for the points. I never did.

The game is very simple. You have 4 actions, you can take 2 of them. The actions themselves are very easy to understand too.
The components are really nice. I must admit I think the deluxe upgrade pack is required as the wooden bits are MUCH better than the cardboard ones.
So a good game but I think I would rather play El Grande or Rising Sun or something…
Kickstarter Unboxing
A quick Kickstarter unboxing of Rise of Tribes and the Deluxe Add-On pack.
Jesta ThaRogue
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