Rhino Hero: Super Battle First Impressions

Rhino Hero: Super Battle is Rhino Hero with dice.

Oh, and it’s a bit bigger.

Rhino Hero is back on the job — and this time not only does the wobbly skyscraper need to be climbed, but there will also be fierce battles between the four super-heroes Rhino Hero, Giraffe Boy, Big E. and Batguin. Who will win the battles and not let themselves be bothered by the mean, hanging spider monkeys?

This is a brief overview of gameplay including my first impressions.

Rhino Hero: Super Battle Summary

So let’s talk about ‘dice vs action’ cards thing.

I mention it in my video but I dislike the action cards from Rhino Hero. The ‘reverse direction’ and ‘skip a turn’ cards are awful. It means you can possibly go all, or at least most, of the game without taking a turn.

You can, I’ve seen it happen.

I would take the ‘randomness’ of the dice over this any day.

As far as games where you build things this is a good one. I haven’t played some of the more popular ones but I’ve played a couple.

My favourite is Junk Art. Here, not only are you building something you’re doing it in different mini-games. This keeps things varied from game to game. One minute you’re building quickly against the clock, the next you’re playing a trick-taking game.

Of course, there is always Jenga 🙂

But Rhino Hero: Super Battle is good fun. it’s silly yes, but it’s very enjoyable. It’s another ‘kids game’ everyone can enjoy no matter their age.

When you’re at the top and you have the medal you HOPE the building is knocked down before your turn. Then when it is your turn with the medal, you take the safest turn possible.

You DON’T want to be the only loser 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

Rhino Hero: Super Battle First Impressions
Article Name
Rhino Hero: Super Battle First Impressions
Rhino Hero: Super Battle review
Jesta ThaRogue


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