Point Salad is a game of collecting veggies and ways to score them.
Can you make the hundreds of ways to score work for you?
There are over 100 ways to score points. Players may use a variety of strategies and every game of Point Salad is unique!
Point Salad Game Play
TL:DR Draft veggies or point scoring cards, score the cards with the veggies you have.
Sure… A pun on an unfair critique. Apart from that, no theme.
Shuffle and split the deck out, that’s about it. You have to remove a number of each veggie for the player count, then shuffle well. Sounds tedious.
Components & Artwork
Standard cards…
The art is functional for sure!
Ease of Teaching
Very simple! There are only 3 things to do on a turn and everything is face up.
Point Salad Summary
I played Village Green where you’re drafting scoring and score cards but that has a bit more position scoring, not just the cards themselves.
I like looking at the selection and trying to find the best combination to take. Something it’s obvious veggies, other times its suitable scoring cards.
I had a strategy going into the game and I achieved it… I mean, I didn’t win by a long way but I had fun with my single-minded strategy 🙂
The good thing is that I can think of a few ways I’d like to play the next time.
I’m not entirely sure if there is any control over what you do. If the perfect scoring card is on top of a deck, there is literally no control over if someone will take a veggie from under that scoring card and flips it away.
So this goes into the “I’ll never buy it but I’ll always be up for playing it” bucket of which there are many, many games.
However, the Eevee edition is something I will 100% have to pick up just to own, even if they never make it in English.
UPDATE: I played the Eevee version, you need to translate the cards and it gets annoying…
Jesta ThaRogue