Pixel Lincoln: The Deck Building Game First Impressions

Pixel Lincoln is a game I Kickstarted in June of 2012 and didn’t get until August 2013.

Was it worth the wait?

In this classic adventure game, you will travel through time and space, searching for the pieces needed to restore the balance of time.

There are enemies in every corner, and as Pixel Lincoln, you must defeat them – but first you need to build an awesome deck! Equip the finest weapons, bring your best cheat codes, and do whatever it takes to get the highest score! Because in the end, that’s all that matters.

So a deck-building game in the style of an 8-bit side-scrolling platformer? ok…

You build 2 level decks. These contain items, monsters, characters and checkpoints just like a video game. Items are equipment that you buy and Monsters are Creatures you fight for points. Characters are people you buy that can score you bonus points.

The 3 checkpoints on each level lead to events such as the mini-boss and the Boss of each level.

It’s a standard deck-building game, no different to games such as Penny Arcade but it’s the scrolling element that makes it different.

Pixel Lincoln Gameplay

Your Lincoln Meeple jumps, fights and buys his way to the end of the level. As they go, cards and Meeples are ‘scrolled’ backwards and new cards are laid out.

Now, is this different from the way other deck builders work? In the DC Deck Building Game and the Lord of the Rings Deck Building Game by Crypozoic empty slots in the path are refilled and you can pick any card

It depends on the person if the restriction of being able to just buy ANY one card at a time or having to encounter them in order matters more or not.

Jesta ThaRogue in Pixel Lincoln

Pixel Lincoln is essentially a deck-building game that plays like a 16-bit side-scrolling platformer.

I pledged at a level where you get to create a custom card. Purely for vanity reasons 🙂

Jesta Tha Rogue Pixel Lincoln

It’s not there to play with, it’s just for show but I think it looks great. Also, it’s just a card for me, it won’t be in EVERY copy of the game although Jesta ThaRogue will be making an appearance as an Anti-Hero soon 😉

Jesta ThaRogue

Pixel Lincoln: The Deck Building Game First Impressions
Article Name
Pixel Lincoln: The Deck Building Game First Impressions
Pixel Lincoln: The Deck Building Game review
Jesta ThaRogue


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