Orichalcum Board Game First Impressions

Orichalcum Box

In Orichalcum, you’re on the hunt for Orichalcum.

But look out for those mythical monsters!

Recruit hoplites, produce precious orichalcum (a legendary metal from Greek mythology), construct buildings granting powerful bonuses, or try to get rid of Monsters infesting your island.

Orichalcum Game Overview

Quick Rules Summary

Players take turns drafting a card that gives them one of four actions: 2 to collect different resources, 1 to build and 1 to fight.

It also comes with a tile that contains several different terrain types you place in your play area.

These let you gain Orichalcum, gain Hoplites, fight a creature on your island using dice or build buildings, temples or medallions.

How do you win?

If you connect 3 terrains of the same type you gain the relevant Titan tile that comes with an ability and is worth 1 point while you hold that titan. You can only have one at a time.

If you put 4 different terrains into a diamond shape you can build a temple which is worth 1 point.

Each medallion costs 5 orichalcum and is worth 1 point, first to 5 points and an island clear of monsters wins.

Main Mechanisms

You start with a bit of card drafting followed by tile laying. Dice rolling for the combat and a tiny bit of resource management. The Hoplites help in combat but you also spend them and Orichalcum as well as defeated monsters to take extra actions.

Orichalcum Gameplay


I’m not sure this game has anything unique going for it.


A friendly-looking, cartoony ancient greek theme with titans, mythical creatures and a mythical metal? Works for me!


I played this at Essen, so obviously, the setup was done already. But it just looks like cards/tiles/tokens out. There is a board with the buildings and things on but all of the spaces on it are clearly shown and labelled.

Components & Artwork

The components are really nice. The player boards are cool, the resource pieces are nice and the tiles have that nice smooth feel.

I really like the cartoony art.

Orichalcum Card Selection Board

Ease of Teaching

This is a very simple game. There are only 4 actions, 2 are the same pretty much. Combat is simple, just roll higher than the total on the monster and the more hoplites you spend the more dice you roll.

Building is also simple with all 10 different types of buildings fairly straightforward.

Similar Games

The theme with the race to the finish gave me Oracle of Delphi feels although that game is much heavier. I actually think it’s on par with Flamecraft which is also a light euro with a cutesy theme.

Orichalcum Review


It looks really good on the table.

The gameplay is nice and simple but you also have to play better than the other players to win.

Using the buildings to combo out a good turn is satisfying.


Players can steal titans from you and you’re only allowed one which I wasn’t a fan of.

I’m not sure about replayability.


Another great-looking game that’s good/very good which is sadly not good enough in 2022. But, if you haven’t played it and you get the chance to, take it.

Jesta ThaRogue

Orichalcum Board Game First Impressions
Article Name
Orichalcum Board Game First Impressions
Orichalcum review
Jesta ThaRogue


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