Most Quoted Card Game First Impressions

Most Quoted is one of those games you can buy from the supermarket and they can be hit or miss.

Where does this one lay?

Can you match the quote to the celebrity in this hilarious game of “he said, she said”?

As the blurb says you’ll be matching a quote to the celebrity that it is attributed to.

Players take turns being ‘The Guesser’ with the person to their left drawing a card. They then read out the quote on that card, but not the names on it just yet.

Most Quoted Example Question Card

The guesser may attempt to name the person who said that quote. If they are correct (the name in bold) they get 3 points. If not they get nothing and play moves on the next player.

Instead, they can hear the 3 names on the card first, then attempt a guess. This time, if they’re correct they score one point but if they pick the ‘unlucky’ underlined name, they lose a point.

The first player to 15 points wins.

Most Quoted Summary

I’m not sure, but I think there are around 100 cards or something like that. We only played with half and didn’t play the correct rules. We used it as a bit of light fun after a large Christmas Day meal but it was a fun activity.

They’re not always easy either. Sometimes the unlucky answer is very plausible which causes issues, especially when you have one of those cards where all 3 seem legit.

The other issue in this game of course is if you don’t know who people are. I’m not sure where this game was made but there were a couple of American (I think) “celebs” none of us had heard of. It’s not like they were intellectuals or anything, they were politicians and tv personalities.

This game would be good as part of a team game night along with things like Articulate and Tension. Maybe throw in a little Junk Art for a dexterity element and Mr Lister’s Quiz Shootout for something a bit wackier.

But, we had a good 30+ minutes of fun with in two teams of people aged 15 to 89 with everyone contributing and enjoying playing together.

Most Quoted First Impressions
Article Name
Most Quoted First Impressions
A review of Most Quoted
Jesta ThaRogue


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