Marrakech Board Game First Impressions

Marrakech Box

Marrakech has players moving a rug salesperson.

Just try and keep to your own carpets if you can.

Each player takes the role of a rug salesperson who tries to outwit the competition.

Marrakech Game Play

TL: DR Players move a rug salesman around a board paying money for landing on other players’ carpets hoping to be the last player left with any cash.


I’ve never been to Morrocco but I’m guessing carpets traders don’t pay for standing on certain people’s carpets?


The hardest part is separating out the carpets. They’re nice but they’re felt so they stick. In a two-player game, you get two colours and alternate between them. I decided to alternate my stack so I’d remember, it took a while to do!

Components & Artwork

No artwork to speak of but the Assam figure is nice and chunky and the carpets are really nice.

The advantage of them being fairly sticky felt is that they grip on the board so they don’t move around. As they overlap and interweave they hold each other in place.

Marrakech Board

Ease of Teaching

Turn, roll, move and pay maybe? That is it!

Marrakech Summary

I’m not really sure what to compare this game to. I played 2 players so it kinda felt like Patchwork on one board but I think I just had cloth on my mind.

While I did enjoy playing it there are quite a few things that made it more like the game is playing me.

You can turn the Assam left or right, or keep him going straight forward. I just looked at which direction I was least likely to land on an opponent’s rug and went that way.

Then, after moving, I just placed a rug in the space that covered most of my opponents, or expanded mine.

No real choices to make which is a shame.

But, playing the game laughing at your opponent landing on a big carpet of yours is fun and the base mechanisms make for a decent game.

Just wish there was a bit more there.

Jesta ThaRogue

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Marrakech Sneak Attack Review

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