Lotus Card Game First Impressions

In Lotus, players play petals onto flowers to complete them and create a very pretty-looking table.

But, does area control mix with flower petals?

Clear your head and take in the quiet strength of the lotus garden. It takes skilful care and nurturing to grow these flowers to their full potential, but, once picked, they provide their owner with wisdom. Beware, for there are others who will do anything they can to get their hands on these mystical flowers. You’ll need to enlist the help of creatures native to this land to take control of the lotus garden and achieve true enlightenment.

Lotus Card Game Review

My first impressions of Lotus including a brief overview of gameplay followed by my final summary.

Game Summary

This is an abstract game, right? I don’t usually care how thematic or unthematic a game is or not or if it’s confusing. But what are we doing here? Are we each growing individual petals? Are we fighting over picking them? If the person picks the Flower why does the person who completes it get points? How do the Guardians help with all this?

It’s a good job the game is enjoyable otherwise these things will eat me up 🙂

Lotus Flower

What about similar games? The only game I can think of that has area control in a simple card game is maybe Smash UpBlood Bowl: Team Manager at a push. Both of these are more complicated, this game is boiled right down to the basics.

I generally do like games that do the core mechanisms well, without trying to add additional bits and bloat and adding too much complexity.

This game is almost 100% ‘play cards, draw cards’, but if you play cards better than the other players, you will win. No luck here, maybe a TINY bit on the card draw but everything else is up to you.

Jesta ThaRogue

Lotus Card Game First Impressions
Lotus Card Game First Impressions

My first impressions of Lotus including a brief overview of gameplay followed by my final summary. Jesta ThaRogue


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