Librium asks that you balance a tower!
Steady hands required.
The game consists of a method of placing ‘construction’ cards on to a pivotable base that is either mounted on a tripod, a magnetic base or hung from a ‘hanger wire’.
Librium Game Play
Simple this…
You have a credit card style card with 4 long holes on each edge. This card is placed either on a fairly unstable surface or hanging from something depending on the version of the game you have.
Quite simply you take turns adding a card either by slotting it in or hanging it from the holes in the cards.

The first person to knock the structure over loses.
This depends on the version of the game you bought I think.
But, you either put the starting card on a thing or a bottle or can or whatever, easy.
Components & Artwork
The cards are really nice and thick. They need to be to hold the weight as you start building out and out from the centre card.
The starting piece, whichever you get, looks pretty strong and it needs to be really tough to hold the weight.
Ease of Teaching & Accessibility
No problem at all here in all categories…
As you get good at the game you will be able to stop your novice opponent from making a mistake and explain why if you see them about to place something risky. The person running the booth did this for me.
Librium Summary
This is a decent game, would be great for a pub.
Rhino Hero Super Battle is a silly dexterity game and Junk Art is a good fun one and more of a ‘game’ than Librium which is much more… scientific? Is that the right word?
The way you have to look all around the structure is interesting and difficult! You have to look around each axis and work out how to place it, then which way around too!
Steady hands and a knowledgeable mind are required!
Jesta ThaRogue

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