How to play Legacy of Dragonholt

Legacy of Dragonholt is a large-scale, ‘Choose your own Adventure’ game.

But is it better than a regular old book?

Gather your band of heroes and journey to the edge of the Terrinoth in Legacy of Dragonholt!

This is a quick, spoiler-free look at the game system and what makes it different from just a plain old regular choose-your-own-adventure book.

How to play Legacy of Dragonholt

Game Summary

I was REALLY into Gamebooks or ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books when I was a kid. I’m spoiled now by great TV and awesome video games that give me a good story and I don’t need to read. I should read more…

The latter, video games, also make the story interactive which is kinda cool. You get to play along, make decisions etc. The Telltale Games series are great at this especially The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Although Tales from the Borderlands was my favourite, the two I mentioned had some BRUTAL decisions.

For those that prefer books, which I assume is most of you, Gamebooks give you this in reading form.

You generally don’t have these gut-wrenching moments because a book can’t track the story as well, especially back in the 80s/90s. It had to be fairly linear for the book to cope.

Legacy of Dragonholt Components

Now it’s not like that. Legacy of Dragonholt, for example, has ways to track what you have and haven’t done in the story. It also tracks the passing of time so the story moves forward depending on your past actions.

Compared to other board games it stands out too. T.I.M.E Stories is good but I’m not a fan of the memory required to play it. What I mean is on the second/third run, you need to remember where everything is and I don’t like to have to do that really. 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

How to play Legacy of Dragonholt
Article Name
How to play Legacy of Dragonholt
How to play Legacy of Dragonholt
Jesta ThaRogue


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