Kittens in a Blender First Impressions

Kittens in a Blender is a game about Kittens, Counter Tops and a Box…

…oh, and a Blender.

You are twisted. I can’t believe you actually want to put these adorable kitties, in a blender! I guess that’s none of my business. Maybe you’re more of a dog person. Sure, kittens are curious by nature, but when they get in a kitchen full of dangerous appliances, it is up to you to save them.

Kittens in a Blender Game Play

In the middle of the table, you use the game box lid and box bottom as the Blender and “the Box”. You leave a gap in between for the ‘Counter Top’.

Everyone also gets a random card showing you which colour Kitten you are.

Blender and Box Cards

Players have a hand of 6 cards and they take turns playing 2 and drawing 2.

Most of them are cats that you can play into any one of the 3 areas on the table. There are also some action cards that let you move cats around and swap hands around the table.

Kittens in a Blender Game in Action

The other cards are Blend cards. These ‘Blend’ everything in it and the cards are put to one side as negative points. Also, all Kittens in the Box are put aside as positive points.

Kitty cards on the Counter are then put in the Blender.

There are also ‘Blend Pulse’ cards that not only Blend as normal but can also be used to cancel a played Blender card.

Scoring is weird but basically rescue the most Kittens of your colour to win.


Well, there are Kittens, there is a Blender so… I guess it’s there?


Determine your random Kitten colour and shuffle the deck. That’s it.

I guess you need to set up the Blender and the Box but that’s no problem.

Components & Artwork

Not much here. Just cards and fairly average cards at that.

But the art is lovely. You really feel for some of these cute kittens and you really don’t want them to be blended.

You’ll have your favourites. (Mine was Pancake!)

Kittens in a Blender Cards

Ease of Teaching & Accessibility

Very simple. very accessible.

Kittens in a Blender Summary

So this is fine…

It’s a semi-random take-that card game with cute art.

I would much prefer a game like Pina Pirata if I want to find a simple card game that requires very little brainpower. There you have a bit of control over what you do, more than KiaB.

But hey, it’s fun.

Jesta Tha Rogue

Kittens in a Blender First Impressions
Article Name
Kittens in a Blender First Impressions
Kittens in a Blender First Impressions
Jesta ThaRogue


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