Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer First Impressions

“Into every IP a game is born: one mechanism in all the world, a deck builder one. It alone will wield the strength and skill to kill your wallet, your free time, your shelf space, and the forces of acquisition disorder; to spread their cards and the swell their pockets.

It is Legendary.”

Based on the popular TV series only, Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer features a light/dark track that influences characters’ strength, which is meant to boost the thematic feeling.

This is a brief overview of a solo game with my final thoughts.

Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Solo Playthrough

TL:DR A deck-building game where you use effects on cards from the famous characters from the TV show to defeat the big bad and their minions.

Update August 2018

So I haven’t played Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer since but it stayed on the shelf. Why? Because Buffy is my favourite IP and Legendary is my favourite game system. Well almost, more on that later.

So this game reflects the TV show well, using all the characters and stuff is great. The light and dark track puts an interesting spin on things too.

The courage tokens work well too. It all comes together to reflect the TV show and the fight against the big bad in a card game.

Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Cards

Legendary Encounters is my actual favourite game system. Firefly is my second favourite IP so of course, I prefer Legendary Encounters: Firefly. I just think the game system is better

But Buffy is there if I fancy a single game. Firefly is there if I want to play more than 1 in a campaign-style game. Room for both on the shelf!

Of course, Hero Realms rivals those as a deck builder I can play as a campaign. I prefer Encounters as a system still.

Luckily I bought a bulk batch of Ultra-Pro deck protectors years ago so I can sleeve all of them. 🙂

Set up and tear down of these is a pain as you have so many cards but it’s worth the effort.

Jesta ThaRogue

Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Solo Playthrough
Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Solo Playthrough

Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer review


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