Walk the Plank! First Impressions

In Walk the Plank! you fight your way down an ever-changing Plank.

Part of the Get Bit Trilogy.

In Walk the Plank!, players represent the worst pirates in a captain’s crew. The captain has rounded you all up because you’re all lazy and stupid and simply not worth the rum and loot you get paid. That said, the captain has decided he’s willing to keep two of you in his crew. To prove you’re worthy, you will fight amongst yourselves, trying to shove other players’ pirates off the end of the plank while keeping yours alive!

Like Get Bit!, you’re playing cards in order to get your guys to survive. Here you’re trying to get them to stay dry rather than outswim a shark.

Another difference is unlike Get Bit! each card has an action, rather than just a number.

Walk the Plank! Cards

You play these cards to move your Pirates up and down the plank. While doing so you push and drag people around as well as increase the length and retract the plank.

You stack 3 cards and play them in order left to right so that 3rd card you laid out might not be as useful as it would be when you put it there to begin with.

Walk the Plank! Game Play

Play continues until two Pirates remain with their owners winning the game.

This is a very simple, very quick game that is a lot of fun.

I would say more… but there isn’t much to say!

Walk the Plank! Update 04/06/2018

Programming games are interesting. I mentioned in my update for Lords of Xidit that some are good, and some are bad. I feel Xidit is bad because if one action goes wrong, the rest of your turn is generally wasted and boring.

In RoboRally, when one action goes wrong, the rest of the turn becomes a hilarious catastrophe.

Walk the Plank! is the latter. Someone pushes your Pirate to the end of the plank when you pull it out from under them accidentally! It’s really funny and it’s more “I hate this game…” in a sarcastic way than “I hate this game…” in a “…and I mean it” way.

It works well, it’s cheap and comes in a small box. It’s great to have as a filler option on the shelf.

Jesta ThaRogue

Walk the Plank! First Impressions
Article Name
Walk the Plank! First Impressions
Walk the Plank! review
Jesta ThaRogue


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