Remember when that film came out in the Timeline? I know it was the early 80s?
Was it 82 or 83? That just might matter…
Timeline is a card game played using 110 cards. Each card depicts a historical event on both sides, with the year in which that event occurred on only one side. Players take turns placing a card from their hand in a row on the table. After placing the card, the player reveals the date on it. If the card was placed correctly with the date in chronological order with all other cards on the table, the card stays in place; otherwise the card is removed from play and the player takes another card from the deck.
So yeah, that is all.
You have 4 face-down cards depicting events. In this case, it was Films and Songs from the 1880s to the modern day.
A card is put in the middle of the table and you pick a card from your selection and put it on either side of that card. Then, flip it over and check the date. You’re trying to set it in the correct order in the Timeline.
Get it right, it stays there… Get it wrong you draw a new card. You’re trying to get all the cards out of your hand to win.

Timeline Summary
That’s it… For a game where knowledge helps a lot, there is actually a lot of randomness/luck here…
You may know the date of a card you have exactly so you save it for last to try and ‘go out’ with a dead cert. For example, I had Star Wars so I kept that till last because I knew it came out in 1977.
Sometimes you might get a card that you think came out maybe late seventies/early eighties sometime and the gap in the timeline is 1960-2012. Easy! Can’t go wrong there.
But, seeing as I won both games I played I’ll put that down to pure skill and flawless knowledge 😀
It’s a fun game, probably better suited to more educational themes such as Historical Events or Inventions but it’s great that they have the variety available.
This would be a great game to play with quite young children. Those at the age where they’re soaking up knowledge and will remember the dates until they are grown up.
Jesta ThaRogue

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