Sheepdogs of Pendleton Hill is very cute…
Very mean…
In Sheepdogs of Pendleton Hill, each player takes the role of a sheepdog and uses card play to move flocks of sheep up the hill to the shepherds. The higher a player’s sheep gets before meeting its shepherds, the more points he will score. The player who scores the most points wins.
As the blurb says, you’re moving flocks of Sheep up a hill of various pastures. Making your sheep meet your Shepard. When a sheep of your colour moves into a pasture with a Shepard, you remove both of them. Then score points equal to the points printed on the Pasture.
The higher up the board, the more points these pastures are worth. But, the harder it is to move a flock of sheep up the board.
Moving Sheep, adding Shepard’s etc are done by cards. The cool part is that a Flock of sheep will be mixed with all players’ sheep, and anyone can move a Flock, or put a Shepard on the board. So adding Shepard’s to the lower point pastures and moving Flocks with your opponent’s Sheep onto them is a much-used tactic. You give up 1 point, but that Sheep isn’t going to get them 5-7 points higher up the Hill.

You can also move a Wolf around the board to ‘Frighten Off’ a sheep of your choice.
The board is nice, the HUGE chunky wooden bits get people coming over to your table (As much as Kaosball did on the day).
It is quite mean, but fun, and pretty.
Sheepdogs of Pendleton Hill Update 30/05/2018
This is a very good game, however, I’m not a take that fan and this game is 75% take that.
You’re constantly ‘point-shaving’ your opponents by placing their shepherds in the lower pastures and moving herds with their sheep to inopportune locations.
I would like a version that replaces the awesome wooden bits with cardboard tokens and a much smaller box. It’s a game I would have on the shelf to play once or twice a year if it took up much less shelf space. It was also one of those thin boxes that folded under the weight o the wood.
Jesta ThaRogue

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