Queens Necklace Card Game First Impressions

Queens Necklace is a set collection and speculation game.

This is a quick video overview.

Set in Paris, on the eve of the French Revolution, Queen’s Necklace is a game of gem-selling, influence, and intrigue at the court. Two to four players compete in the role of royal jeweller to sell rare jewels to the Queen and her court.

TL:DR You play influence cards to mess with opponents and use your money to buy more cards or jewels. Jewels are then sold based on how fashionable and rare they are.

This is a brief overview of the rules then we go to my review of the game including my positive and negative thoughts and feelings.

0:13 – Overview
0:25 – Game Play
5:04 – Summary

Queens Necklace Update July 2018

When a game has you take the same action every round, it generally rules light. This means it’s easy to teach and play. Look at Ticket to Ride or Love Letter, both are easy. Some, like these, get it right.

There’s a fine line to walk with this though. Repetition is a dangerous thing in board games. If it’s not interesting 5-6 times you can’t expect people to do it 10+ times.

You especially can’t expect it over multiple games if a few rounds is a chore.

I call this the ‘For Sale Effect’ 🙂

Queens Necklace Components

I liked that game the first few times then it got boring. The same happened with Queens Necklace. As your decision process is pretty much the same turn to turn, round to round, game to game, it’s not interesting after several plays.

It’s a nice game. The effects are nice and the speculation part is fun. Having the value of your Gems be based on the number that players have is really clever.

The art is nice as are the rest of the components. To be fair, I don’t think the game is bad, I just think it doesn’t have that ‘thing’ that good games have.

I don’t know what that thing is, of course, I just know this doesn’t have it 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

Queens Necklace - First Impressions
Queens Necklace – First Impressions

This is a brief overview and my thoughts on Queens Necklace


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