Pulsar 2849 Board Game First Impressions

Pulsar 2849 is a dice drafting, a circular board and a LOT of table space.

There is a lot to do, but is it worth doing?

It is the year 2849, one millennium after the Gold Rush, and the mining of raw materials has reached a whole new level.

Humankind has successfully tested the first Stellar Mirror and harnessed enough power from a Pulsar to open the first space gate.

A New Era has just begun…

This is an overview of the game along with my positives and negatives.

Pulsar 2849 Update August 2018

So this video got me in a LOT of trouble.

First up, not liking the rulebook got me in trouble on BGG. Now, I DID say in the video ‘it’s probably just me’. Looking for feedback on the game, it was. I really struggled with it but no one else did.

Secondly, I mentioned in the video the people I played with were not behaving themselves. Now, this affected my mood. Despite laughing and joking with them at the time and for the rest of the day, deep down I was thinking “I’m going through a bad time right now, I just want to play games with my friends”.

So there were not happy about that then one of them attacked me publicly on social media a month later despite not saying anything to anyone.

So yeah, whatever. They are an ex-game group 🙂

Pulsar 2849 Components

Back to things that actually matter. I liked the game, I really did. But I sold it after 2 plays. For some reason when I think about the game I didn’t feel so positive. But when I could SEE the game I would feel more positive and want to play it.

Weird, I know. So what I did was list it for sale without looking at it. I don’t miss it.

To be honest, I prefer another dice drafting game, Grand Austria Hotel. More recently, Santa Maria has taken a spot too. I’m not a fan of games set in outer space. It just doesn’t have ‘the thing’ that a game needs to stand out.

Jesta ThaRogue

Pulsar 2849 - First Impressions
Pulsar 2849 – First Impressions

Pulsar 2849 review


2 responses to “Pulsar 2849 Board Game First Impressions”

  1. Jesta avatar

    Hi Paul,

    I did watch your video but it’s so faithful to the rulebook that it didn’t answer my questions sadly. No one was asking them in the forums so I assume it was just me 🙂

    Also, as mentioned, I had difficult students to teach so that didn’t help 🙂

    I know there are worse rulebooks, I have Myth and First Martians 😀

  2. Paul Grogan avatar
    Paul Grogan

    If only a fellow UK person had done a rules video to help you learn it 😉

    I was surprised to hear you had as many issues with the rules as you did, CGE rulebook are normally the best there is out there, but I’m happy to go through any individual points you had issues with if they were not clear in places. Trust me, there are far worse rulebooks out there 🙂

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