Pittsburgh 68 Card Game First Impressions

Is the Zombie Apocalypse in Pittsburgh 68 over yet?

No seriously, are we done with this game, it’s awful.

Thrills and and chills await in Pittsburgh 68, a frenzied game of zombie horror! One player starts as a zombie and the rest as survivors on the run. As survivors are eliminated, they become part of the growing zombie problem. Those who avoid becoming zombified are the “winners”, but only if they survive the final draw!

Here is the official ‘how to play’ blurb…

The game is played in four segments called “reels”. Each reel has a designated number of cards to be played through. As these are revealed in a central three-card hand, players have the option to take them on their turn to build their survivor or zombie hands.

In addition to cards, the Shuffling Horror system uses two six-sided dice to resolve conflict actions, such as when a zombie attacks a survivor.

Would be nice if the Zombie masters dice were a different colour to the player dice so they can stand out a bit. But meh…

I might be harsh on it. My advice is don’t learn this game with 13 players as you spend a lot of time doing very little. You can fail a roll and miss your next turn too.

It’s a game you laugh at rather than with while playing it (You know the type)

Maybe I’d give this a fair go with 4-5 players one day but I doubt it.

Pittsburgh 68 Game

Pittsburgh 68 Update 28/05/2018

This game has gone down in my gaming folklore as the game that lasts forever and isn’t very good. We even set up Robinson Crusoe on a different table between turns due to the amount of time it’s taking.

It’s important to not play most games with a maximum of 13 players in the first game, especially when the owner doesn’t know the rules yet.

We did have one of those rule-book-grabbing rules-lawyers who took over a bit and slowed everything down further.

I don’t remember much of the game itself except it seemed quite random and ambitious. It claimed to have a “Horror Shuffling System” and something called ‘Spoints”, which isn’t a thing.

Jesta ThaRogue

Pittsburgh 68 Card Game First Impressions
Article Name
Pittsburgh 68 Card Game First Impressions
Pittsburgh 68 review
Jesta ThaRogue


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