PitchCar & PitchCar Mini First Impressions

PitchCar Mini is a game of dexterity and flicking!

Flicking wooden disk cars around a track doesn’t sound great, but add 7 other players and a near-impossible jump and it’s nothing but laughs!

PitchCar is a dexterity game where a large, wooden, puzzle-like pieces are used to construct a race track that looks very similar to a slot car track when finished. But instead of using electrons, players use finger-flicks to send small pucks around the track.

You get a colour token representing a car, build a track and flick the car around the track.

If your token flips over you go back to where you flicked from.

If your token goes off the track you go back to where you flicked from.

It was quite fun but what made it great was playing with 7 other people. It was nothing but laughs and a great way to kick off a full day of gaming.

PitchCar Mini Gameplay

The jump in the back straight caused a HUGE pile-up. Made for extra laughs and challenges.

I didn’t finish 🙂

PitchCar Review

It’s PitchCar mini, but bigger! In September 2014, I got the chance to play the bigger version. Same game, different size.

Pitch Car Track

I enjoyed it again and can’t wait to play it some more.

Here’s a two-second clip of the eventual winner flicking around a tight bend.

Update 18/05/2018

Since playing this I’ve played a TONE of flicking games. Crokinole, Ice Cool, Zoo Ball, Kung-Fu Zoo and more…

I much prefer the sport-style ones with Zoo Ball reminding me of Subbuteo from back in the day. Kung-Fu Zoo is similar in a way and comes in a smallish box yet it contains a full-size arena!

Racing works for me too. Especially long straight and those big jumps that work as the great equaliser. Unless you see it as whoever gets lucky first wins! 🙂

It is a heavy game (physically) obviously, there is a lot of wood. It’s also expensive especially when you start to add in all the expansions which in turn makes it more difficult to transport…

So the price, difficulty to transport and the tablespace required makes it a bit awkward for conventions but obviously, that would be the best place to play a game like this so, I don’t know!

Still, a VERY fun game that’s hard for me to turn down.

Jesta ThaRogue

Picthcar & Picthcar Mini Review
Article Name
Picthcar & Picthcar Mini Review
A quick look at Pitchcar and Pitchcar Mini
Jesta ThaRogue


One response to “PitchCar & PitchCar Mini First Impressions”

  1. M Zeller avatar
    M Zeller

    This seems like a really cool game! Looking for it on the web now. Thanks for sharing.

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