Pecunia non Olet Card Game First Impressions

Pecunia non olet = Money Doesn’t Stink

What can you say about a game about toilets?

It’s about owning a rental toilet in Ancient Rome…

A card game in the old Rome, in which the players act as rental toilette owners, who have to earn their money from the Romans, who feel an urgent need…

So yeah… You have a Toilet. You get two random people to put in it and 5 in the queue.

They have 2 values, one is the time ‘spent’ doing their thing and you place logs on them to represent this time. The other value is how much they will tip when ‘done’.

Pecunia non olet Starting Setup

At the beginning of your turn, you take off one ‘log’ from each.. erm.. guest? Anyone without a log leaves and you score points equal to their tip value.

Then you can fill up your loo starting with the front of your queue and playing cards that work similarly to Guillotine to manipulate the queue and mess with other players.

Characters have requests too, in that Senators won’t sit next to slaves. Ladies, of course, go to the bathroom in pairs so they can share a cubicle.

It’s a fun game with lots of jokes and a nice filler I will be happy to play at any time.

Pecunia non Olet Update 28/05/2018

I since purchased the 2nd edition, played it once, hated it and moved on. Shame, I was so excited when I saw in on the shelf!

For some reason, the second play a couple of years later was nowhere near as enjoyable. I’m pretty sure the game was the same. The 2nd edition had a load of mini-expansions but I didn’t play with any.

As I mentioned in the original review it’s similar in a way to Guillotine but I enjoyed Guillotine more. Toilet humour aside, Guillotine is a better game.

I’m still looking for that queue manipulation game that I really like and want to put on the shelf, maybe one day!

Jesta ThaRogue

Pecunia non Olet Card Game First Impressions
Article Name
Pecunia non Olet Card Game First Impressions
Pecunia non Olet review
Jesta ThaRogue


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