Nimbee Board Game First Impressions

Nimbee Box

Nimbee is a light action point allowance-style game.

This is a quick video overview.

It’s thought that all bees work for the good of the colony. However, the Queen is allowed to have one favourite; a worker who is smarter and collects more nectar than the rest. That bee is called, THE NIMBEE.

This is a brief overview of the rules then I give my thoughts on them.

0:13 – Overview
0:48 – Game Play
4:54 – Summary

Nimbee Update July 2018

This is a nice game.

I like walking around the Hive, taking actions and preparing for that big trip to the meadow. It feels like Musical Chairs sometimes. There may be some low-value cards and if you can, you can avoid going out to get them. You do this by switching places before having to leave, prolonging it.

This means instead of having to take a card worth 4-5, you may be able to hold out for a 7 πŸ™‚ It’s a fun mini-game within the game.

There is a lot of messing around trying to position yourself and it is fun.


Obviously, the components are great. The bee meeples are not basic. They’re quite realistic in shape, more than a meeple is to a person. The plastic bee mini is nice too. Oh, also, having nice little pots for the honey is a great touch.

That art too πŸ™‚

Nimbee Box


I like the theme of ‘being a bee’. You can (quite) easily take themes like this and make the mechanisms work with the theme. In this case, have a Hive and a meadow. Waggle Dance does it too but with epic dice.

I’m not saying it’s easy, I’m saying if the basics are familiar you can add thematic elements using related mechanisms. We have an idea of what bees do, so make the game reflect it and it’ll work. This one works.

It also helps that it looks really pretty and is a fairly relaxing game to play.

Jesta ThaRogue

Note: The copy I played was a review copy generously provided by A-Muse-Ment, big thanks to them for this game.

Nimbee - First Impressions
Nimbee – First Impressions

A brief overview of gameplay followed by my thoughts on the game.


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