~ Chewbacca
Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon is tasked with knocking out the other players’ stormtroopers. When only one player has stormtroopers left, that player wins.
Loopin’ Chewie is a simple one… It runs on batteries and an arm swings around with Chewie in a Millennium Falcon.

You have 3 Stormtrooper tokens and a lever. If you hit the lever as Chewie flies around you knock him up and over your tokens. Miss and he’ll hit a token and you’ll lose it, lose all 3 tokens and you’re out, the last player left in wins.

Loopin’ Chewie Summary
It’s VERY good fun. You can, if you’re good enough, flick up Chewie so he flies over your opponent’s lever and lands right on the token. That’s satisfying.
It’s not perfect as sometimes he can hit a token and it doesn’t fall down, oh well.
Still, it’s a lot of fun!
Update June 2018
What else can I say about this game? No, please, tell me, what can I say? 🙂
I mentioned flicking and landing directly on your opponents, that’s fun. But what you can do is hit it too hard, it goes up in the air spins on the spot and lands directly on your own Stormtroopers!
It’s possible.
So there is a bit of skill in the pressure you apply to the level too, not just the timing aspect. (I’m overthinking this game? That’s how you know I like it :))
It is a really fun, quick game. It’s the biggest downside is the required use of batteries. They ran out once while playing which is annoying. Obviously, in this board game hobby, we’re not used to that happening in the middle of a game.
But I don’t know of many other dexterity games that also require timing. Fantastic Gymnastics (and others I played at HandyCon 3 is one, but it also requires batteries.
I guess I’ll stick to those that don’t require batteries but still do require some skill.
Jesta ThaRogue

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