Leaping Lemmings First Impressions

Leaping Lemmings is a ‘Push Your Luck’, racing-ish game.

This is a brief video overview.

Leaping Lemmings – The Original Cliff Divers

This is a brief overview of the roles in the game along with my views on each.

Leaping Lemmings Update July 2018

Animals are great for board games. Most of them are bred and eaten to be fair but sometimes the behaviour of an animal itself makes for a good game.

The Wombat poops in a cube shape and uses them to manoeuvre. They have a great sense of smell and they can use their poop cubes as waypoints. This was reflected in Wombat Rescue. It was done really well.

Lemmings as we all know, run head first off of cliffs! Except, they don’t. This, I believe came from a mistranslation of a study of the arctic Lemming. But this was made worse when Disney faked a documentary where Lemmings were run off a cliff for the sake of entertainment.

Thanks, Disney!

Leaping Lemmings Components

I like racing games. This really did feel like a race, almost a relay of sorts at times. Getting your Lemmings across the ground, hiding, outmanoeuvring… Doing whatever it takes.

A lot of this involves outmanoeuvring Eagles so you Lemmings that want to commit suicide don’t… die on the way?

I do like how the Eagle patrol 2 areas of the board. They’re not a constant threat but they’re always on your mind. You have to make sure your Lemmings are where the Eagles are not.

Another issue involves stacking up a tile. This inhibits movement so if someone else is on the same tile as you, you get a little stuck.

By the way, this game is by GMT and it is VERY GMT. The Lemmings are chits, the Eagles are chits and the board has hexes. I think that’s everything GMT in one. 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

Leaping Lemmings First Impressions
Leaping Lemmings First Impressions

This is my first impressions of Leaping Lemmings including a brief overview of gameplay followed by my positives and negatives and final summary.


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