Gods Gambit Card Game First Impressions

Gods Gambit is Uno from the designer of Love Letter.

So Uno with card abilities.

In Gods’ Gambit, players represent fallen gods who must solve problems in the world and perform good acts to be allowed to return to the High Heavens.

Every player gets a hand of 7 cards, the rest are placed in the middle of the table and the top card is turned over.

Gods Gambit Discard

On your turn, you can play a card into this discard pile. It must match either the number or the colour of the top card in the discard pile

Or you can play a card in front of you in your Karma pile and use its printed ability…

Gods Gambit Karma Pile

You can also draw a card and then play a card if you like.

When a player plays their last card from their hand the round ends. You add up the value of each card left in your hand, plus the value of the cards in your Karma pile as penalty points.

After 3 rounds, the player with the fewest points wins.

Gods Gambit Summary

Short description! But apart from going over each card’s ability, there’s not much else to say. It’s Uno, what do you want? 🙂

But, it’s quite fun actually. The extra choices you have to make on top of a normal Uno game add quite a bit. More than you’d think.

It goes alongside Chronicle (Trick-Taking) in my collection as successful Seiji Kanai spins on basic games.

Update June 2018

So Uno variants, yay! 🙂 It’s a good basic system that I enjoy so putting a spin on it appeals to me.

My favourite by far is Rogues Gallery entry Pina Pirata. This has an ever-increasing number of rules that you have to deal with. You start with a standard game of Uno and 1 rule but end up with SIX different rules in play.

This leads to fun and hilarity. God’s Gambit is not THAT fun. It’s fun, but not funny fun.

Jesta ThaRogue

Gods Gambit Card Game First Impressions
Article Name
Gods Gambit Card Game First Impressions
Gods Gambit review
Jesta ThaRogue


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