Another Project GIPF Game…
Another defeat…
GIPF is a strategic game for two players based on a classic concept.
Following games of TZARR and YINSH is this one, similar look, different gameplay same opponent, same result.
You’re trying to ensure your opponent can’t play by making them run out of pieces.
On your turn, you put a piece on the outer edge of the board and slide it on, pushing each other piece down the chosen line one space forward…

If you end up with 4 in a row, you take them back into your hand.
Any opponent’s pieces that can be part of a continuation of your row of 4 you capture, putting them in front of you.
This, of course, means you’re able to keep playing and your opponent has fewer pieces, eventually running out.
Also, you have 3 ‘King’ pieces that are a stack of two regular chips that start on the board. Lose all of them and you lose too.
GIPF Summary
It’s very simple but so difficult with the lines and the angles and hoping the pieces end up the same way you worked it out in your head and you haven’t accidentally left your opponent on a good move.
Good Game.
Update August 2018
2 player games… LET’S LOOK AT SOME!
Keeping it abstract and non-GIPF series, I will always go to Kamisado. I love how tactical it is with every attack and also a defence. It’s quick, pretty and fun.
Santorini too. A bit too tense for me but still good fun with the player abilities that add plenty of replayability.
More recently, and more thematically, Holmes: Sherlock and Mycroft did it for me. It’s not a tactical moving game but a set collection card game. But it’s still 1 v1 and very reliant on strategy.
I guess what I’m saying is, there are options 🙂
Jesta ThaRogue

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