Ghost Blitz Game First Impressions

In Ghost Blitz, Grab the thing as quick as possible.

But not that thing! The other thing! Dammit!

Balduin, the house ghost, found an old camera in the castle cellar. Immediately he photographed everything that he loves to make disappear when he is haunting  – including himself, of course. Unfortunately, the enchanted camera takes many photos in the wrong colors. Sometimes the green bottle is white, at other times it’s blue. Looking at the photos, Balduin doesn’t really remember any more what he wanted to make disappear next. Can you help him with his haunting and quickly name the right item, or even make it disappear by yourself? If you grab the right items quickly, you have a good chance of winning…

So this game is a VERY simple game to play but not so easy to sink in the head when playing…

You have these items on the table… Five different shapes and five different colours which is an important part of the game. A Blue Book, White Ghost, Red Chair, Green Bottle and a Gray Mouse.

Ghost Blitz Pieces

A card is flipped over, if something on that card matches both in type AND colour, grab it… So let’s play along now. Ready? Go…

Ghost Blitz Matching Card

Yep, White Ghost… Easy… The first person to grab the white ghost keeps the card as a point. The chair is in the picture but the chair piece is red so it won’t count.

Now this one… Go!

Ghost Blitz Non-matching Card

Harder one… When a card shows nothing that matches in Colour AND figure, you look for what isn’t there…

The colours Red and Blue as well as the Bottle and Ghost are all represented in this image. So the Gray Mouse would be the thing you need to grab as neither Grey nor the Mouse is in the game.

You have to be quick, VERY quick and accurate at the same time. Grab the wrong thing and lose a point…

It’s a lot of fun. Re-playability? Meh, not great I would think but for a quick filler that’s fairly easy to teach and nice chunky, wooden bits are great. It’s the perfect game to have in a board game cafe.

Ghost Blitz Update June 2018

Good speed game, the best? Yeah, I guess. Dancing Eggs is a rival but this one uses your brain. Using your brain is a good thing so that’s good 🙂 it’s the difficulty and the risk of going too quick that really make this game.

Jesta ThaRogue

Ghost Blitz Game First Impressions
Article Name
Ghost Blitz Game First Impressions
Ghost Blitz review
Jesta ThaRogue


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