Swim away from a shark and try not to Get Bit.
“Argh, he said it!”
“You don’t have to be faster than the shark, just faster than your friends!”
Get Bit! is a card game where players are competing to stay alive as the others are being eaten by the shark.
The order of the swimmers is determined by simultaneously playing cards face-down then revealing the values. The number on each player’s card determines position in line (higher numbers in front, lower numbers in back), however ties don’t move. The swimmer at the back loses a limb to the shark and is flung to the front of the line! The process is repeated until only two swimmers remain on the table. When this happens, the swimmer at the front of the line wins the game!
Each player has a hand of identical cards and a swimmer which are laid out in a row. On a player’s turn, they play a card face down and everyone will reveal them at the same time.
These are revealed then the queue of swimmers is reordered based on the numbers. From the lowest to the highest card played, players move their swimmer tot he front of the queue. So if everyone moves, the player that played the lowest card will be at the back.

But, players that play the same value card do not move at all.
Then the swimmer at the back of the queue loses a body part by pulling an arm or leg from their swimmer.
If a swimmer has no arms or legs they are eliminated. When there are only two swimmers left, the swimmer at the front wins!
Playing 3 players means you get to control 2 swimmers at once which works out really well.
Not much else to say other than it’s really fun and the components are really good.
Get Bit! Update 22/05/2018
I played this a couple of times since, and its ‘sequel’ Walk the Plank.
The simple act of ‘play a card, reveal, sigh’ rise repeat works well. I say sigh because I NEVER play the right card… ever!
It is one of those games that you just think “ha, of course” and laugh as you rip another part of your robot off.
It’s a fun game and a pretty one at that so it’s worth a try.
But for me, this game has been surpassed by King Frog. It’s a similar game but the option of trying to land on your own colour space makes card play less, random. Maybe, it feels less random anyway.
Jesta ThaRogue

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