Galaxy Defenders Board Game – First Impressions

Galaxy Defenders defending the Galaxy…

..is what you’re supposed to do.

Galaxy Defenders is a sci-fi cooperative, tactical battle game in which 1-5 players fight together against an oncoming alien menace. Each player takes control of one or more agents with unique powers to defend the planet from the alien invasion. Game play revolves around a tactical combat system, using custom ten-sided dice. Each player sequentially plays his Agent turn and then one Aliens turn. Players carry out their turns [agent and aliens] in clockwise order until the last player finishes his Aliens turn. Once done, the game passes to the Event phase that will bring the players to the next round.

So this is one of those games where you pick a character and try to complete a goal against game controlled enemies.

It’s nice, pretty and clever be we got destroyed so quickly I barely had enough to form an opinion.

You have a move, action and attack action and you use various combinations of these to do stuff which is cool in a D&D way. Also, your gun jams more often than not.

So I’ll play it again but I really have very little to say about it.

Here are some pics…

Galaxy Defenders in progress
My character, a hand to hand specialist.

Galaxy Defenders Update 29/05/2018

Nope, never got back to play this and probably never will now. It’s had positive reviews so we must have had a terrible experience in this game.

But now, there are too many similar or similar-adjacent games I’d rather play that are in my collection already.

Arcadia Quest is always fun and very pretty and of course, exceptionally cute.

It’s cousin Masmorra is just as fun and doesn’t take too long.

Myth, while I sit waiting for the rest of the stuff coming from Kickstarter, if it ever will, is a good system.

Also, Mechs vs Minions is just awesome, random, pretty and fun and I really would like to play through a full campaign.

Any of these will do 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

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Galaxy Defenders
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Jesta ThaRogue:
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