Flag Dash Board Game First Impressions

Flag Dash is an action programming, team game.

This is a quick video overview.

You play as one of several childhood friends who promised to play their favourite pastime again after they “grew up.” Secretly plan your moves to outmanoeuvre the opposing team in an exciting game of capture the flag! Will your opponents ruin your plans, or will you return home victoriously with the flag?

Flag Dash Review

0:11 – Overview
0:30 – Game Play
5:02 – Summary

TL:DR An action programming game of stealing flags from players while trying to steal your opponent’s team flag from the other side of the field.

Update July 2018

This is a great theme and it’s done pretty well. It’s in a small box, has a decent price and looks pretty.

Programming actions is a great mechanism to use with this theme too.

The programming is interesting. Placing a priority token on a programmed action determines turn order and the strength of the action. Knowing when to attack, defend etc is a fun game to play, especially when playing with a teammate.

Flag Dash Components

I recently got a Nintendo Switch and I’ve been playing a lot of Mario + Rabbids. That is fairly similar to this. You even get to travel through holes 🙂

But since Mario + Rabbids is about shooting the opponents the similarities end there.

Flag Dash is all about playing tag as well as capturing the flag.

Anyway, I played it once and sold it. With so many programming games around there is a lot of competition.

Sakura does it well, and it’s much more simple to play. Of course, Mechs vs Minions is great with excellent production, but a campaign game is so hard to get finished.

In fact, thinking about this make me REALLY want to play Mechs vs Minions again 🙂

In fact, looking through my collection I would put Jamaica up above Flag Dash too. Also, King Frog is great fun too.

So yeah, 4 games I would EASILY put in front of playing this that involve programming movement in some way. That’s all just from a very quick look at my shelves.

Jesta ThaRogue

Flag Dash - First Impressions
Flag Dash – First Impressions

My first impressions of Flag Dash including a brief overview of gameplay followed by my positives and negatives and final summary.


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