Container Board Game First Impressions

Move Container Ships! That’s what I want to do in my spare time for fun!

Hopefully, the game is better than the theme…

This is an overview of the game along with my positives and negatives.

Container Update August 2018

So, pick up and deliver… Not uncommon, from Merchant of Venus to The Oracle of Delphi it’s been done.

But picking up from opponents isn’t done as often. Time’n’Space did it. You need to create the demand for a cube (product) and fulfil your opponent’s demand or you won’t win. This leads to some fun negotiations in real-time.

Doing this forces playing interaction as pick up and deliver can be a solo game. Apart from tripping over each other around the board that is.

For further interaction, there is the setting of prices. Making them cheaper than your opponents to encourage people to come to you rather than them is good. It can be nasty 🙂 But it’s part of the game.

Container 10th Anniversary Boats

For container, using the space around the table is really good. It didn’t feel like “the ship is either in a port or not in a port”. You could almost see the wide open sea in that space on the table 🙂 It’s a game that would look good on an ocean play mat!

Playing this game of running a factory alongside the pickup and deliver element was good too. You have a lot to balance including storage space and production.

Money is difficult too. You have so much you need to do and limit cash to do it. You can take a loan but if you struggle to pay it back it really puts you o the back foot.

The flow of money around the game from player to player works very well. Again, it encourages you to play well, and bid wisely.

Jesta ThaRogue

Container - First Impressions
Container – First Impressions

Container Review


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