Challenge Night First Impressions

Challenge Night, must be Christmas/New Year Party Time!

Where bad gifts as presents come out to play.

I couldn’t find this game on-line for a box picture or quote…

So teams will take turns completing tasks to force members of the opposing team to take a block out of an unbranded Jenga-style Tower…

Challenge Night Jenga

The tasks are pretty cool actually…

Some are just ‘Take a Brick’ but others are quiz questions (Easy ones), actions (Hop on one leg for a minute), humming (as below) or drawing…

Challenge Night Hum or Take a Brick

There are also miming, but not hard ones…

Challenge Night Charades

Eventually, someone will knock over the tower, and the other teams win…

Challenge Night Jenga Tower

Decent party game to be fair… Some of the ‘Action cards are too silly… Impersonate a Chicken for 60 seconds?


To be fair, it’s not too bad for an after-dinner party game.

Challenge Night Update  June 2018

This is a PROPER party game. You’re playing a bunch of mini-games around this game of Jenga which is also the end game. It’s a cool idea.

Silly challenges aside, there are a lot of good things to say about this game. Everything is easy to understand, can be played while drunk, and is fun.

Yeah, it’s no Two Rooms and Boom or Mr Listers Quiz Shootout but it’s good family fun all the same.

As it’s not a hobby game it’s also more accessible with easily understood rules and challenges. The most complicated rule is Jenga, that’s how easy it is 🙂

A family is a key word here. A lot of games say from 8-80 but this one really is.

If I rocked up to a convention or a hobby board game day and someone pulled this out, I wouldn’t be interested.

But, with family, on a holiday, after dinner I wouldn’t turn it down. In fact, as a silly bit of family fun, I would recommend Challenge Night.

Jesta ThaRogue

Challenge Night First Impressions
Article Name
Challenge Night First Impressions
Challenge Night reviiew
Jesta ThaRogue


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