The Art of Science is a tough Trivial Pursuit-style game…
…played by 8 people who had just been giggling at Telestrations.
Art of Science[sic] is a challenging trivia game for people interested in technology and natural science. The categories are: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology and “Other science” (a category of miscellaneous questions).
Whether you are a biologist or a mathematician, you will meet on equal terms – you chose your categories! Lack of knowledge or temporary memory loss – ask a fellow player and share the points.
During the game you can also challenge your opponent to a duel, get chances of points-replication and answer questions like a universal genius. Take the chance to refresh your old knowledge and conquer new.
You have a sheet with a decreasing number of point requirements for each category and you choose which category goes where on this sheet. The first team to fill each point requirement for all the categories wins.
You roll and move around the board and answer questions on the colour you land on and each space has a number which shows you how many points your answer is worth. For some reason, the six-sided dice has a 7 instead of 6… Sure there’s a scientific reason for that…
To be honest, I wasn’t troubled by how many points my answers were going to score! This might have well had had zeros all the way around!

There are special spaces that let you gain points in different categories or even gamble points for big gains.
The best part of this game is getting help. If you’re struggling you can ask another player (or team in our case) for help BUT, if you use their answer and it’s correct they gain a majority of the points.
Here are some example questions so you can see the level of difficulty we’re dealing with here.

The Art of Science Summary
This example of a question card and this one is relatively tame compared to some. It’s definitely more of a serious game than a fun one. I would obviously rather play something like Mr Listers Quiz Shootout than this. I don’t want to go to a game night and struggle and feel really dumb.
But it has its place, you don’t want to know the answer to everything and this game certainly ensures that!
But, this was a good laugh generally but it was mixed with some very serious moments of deep concentration.
Jesta ThaRogue

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