Alexandria Board Game First Impressions

The Royal Library of Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. The library was part of a larger research institution called the Museum of Alexandria, where many of the most famous thinkers of the ancient world studied.

Then Julius Caesar came…

Fire! The Great Library, the world’s most complete archive of knowledge and wisdom is on fire!

As books and relics are consumed by the flames, you must make a choice over what to save – some artifacts are more valuable to you than others, and your fellow heroes may have different priorities than you – and some may even be trying to burn books!

Alexandria Board Game Review

This is an overview of the game along with my positives and negatives.

Players use a time mechanism to take actions and rescue valuable items from a burning Library of Alexandria.

Update August 2018

So I had high hopes for this. After the run-through in Essen, I bought it and was excited to play it. The way the map is set up different game to game is great. The player powers are cool, and the things on the board are random too which is nice.

I also like games with a time track. Take several less powerful actions per turn or fewer more powerful ones?

It’s like games Tokaido but with these, you get to pick how far ahead you want to move. It means the actions are linked to the timing mechanism. Like The Dragon & Flagon for example where your attacks and abilities move you down a track.

Alexandria Components

But, I haven’t thought about it much in the last few years. I sold it after one play and didn’t miss it. Of course, it competed for my time with other games from Essen like Gaia Project and Bunny Kingdom…  Hardly fair really!

Even if you take away the other new games it still can’t really compete against the number of games out there I would consider good.

But still, despite the very interesting mechanisms, one play was enough for me. I would like to see some of these mechanisms used in a different, more interesting game.

Jesta ThaRogue

Alexandria Board Game First Impressions
Alexandria Board Game First Impressions

Alexandria review


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