6d6 Role-Playing Game System First Impressions

The afternoon at a board game convention left us with a few options but we decided to play a 6d6 fantasy adventure.

I own 6d6 but we haven’t gotten around to playing it yet. I thought it would be a good way for everyone to learn the system.

But they changed it…

Before it was based on a card game, now it’s on a sheet with tokens…

Drax the Chain 6d6

My character was called Drax the Chain… He has a Chain. I usually play the ‘Rogue’ type character (obviously) but there wasn’t one, so I played this guy.

He was big and not much survived his chain to the face 😀

In the old version, you used cards and switched them in and out of your active pile but as game designer Chris Tregenza told us many people were not wanting to print the cards out.

So now it involves assigning tokens to the skills on a skill sheet and moving the tokens off it. Not as cool I feel but the game was fun.

I won’t go into the plot in case you are lucky enough to play it but it was a lot of fun. The system is simple and enjoyable and allows for as much or as little roleplay as your group wants.

My advice is to give 6d6 a go.

6d6 Update on 6d6: 15/05/2018

I never actually got around to playing this before my free time was more dedicated to board games and I didn’t really meet any role-play style groups.

But it IS a good system, one worth checking out.

In case you were wondering, the combat system was with dice and yes, it uses six D6s 🙂

The last time I checked there were settings for Fantasy, Zombie Apocalypse, Wild West and a lot more. There was even a Murder Mystery that I had but never got around to playing.

Check it out.

Jesta thaRogue

6d6 Role-Playing Game System First Impressions
Article Name
6d6 Role-Playing Game System First Impressions
6d6 Role-Playing Game System review
Jesta ThaRogue


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