Fast Food Fear! Card Game First Impressions

Fast Food Fear! is a real-time co-op game of serving food to Monsters.

Sounds silly but these games can often be fun, was it?

Monsters at the Legoblah! swamp prefer fast food nowadays. It’s quick, convenient and you can eat some of the most disgusting junk in the world. Business is good, but customers are extremely demanding; it is highly recommended you don’t keep them waiting. As soon as the customer’s order is in the kitchen, everyone must hurry to get it ready quickly. Having to explain to a slew of hungry customers why they haven’t got their food yet is no fun at all…

This is a brief overview of gameplay including my first impressions.

Fast Food Fear! Summary

Real-time games are instantly a bit more fun by default. Even if the game isn’t great you still have the tension of the timer. Also, these quick games that are co-op’s like this one write off the alpha gamer, which is nice.

One issue is being honest as a group. In Fast Food Fear!, the next player can’t take their turn until the current player has drawn their cards. By jumping the gun a bit here you gain valuable time that all adds up.

Fast Food Fear! Components

Image from BGG

It works for games like FUSE and Flatline. FUSE has a rule where if you mess up you have to restart your entire action. This could involve putting dice back in a bag and redrawing, against the clock. This is because you’re defusing a bomb so you have to be both quick and accurate. A mistake will cost you!

Fast Food Fear! brings the tension in a tiny box making it very portable. Also, as it’s only 2 decks of cards setup time is nothing. It’s rules-light too!

Jesta ThaRogue

Note: The copy I played was a review copy generously provided by Devir Games, big thanks to them for this game.

 Fast Food Fear! First Impressions
Article Name
Fast Food Fear! First Impressions
Fast Food Fear! review
Jesta ThaRogue


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