Fanhunter: Assault First Impressions

Fanhunter: Assault is a card game based on a comic book.

If you’re not aware of the game or the background of the comic book, I have you covered.

Set in the Fanhunter universe, players play the part of Resistance relic hunters. Searching for the most unique pieces of memorabilia is hard enough, but trying to sneak past the Fanhunter guards can be deadly. Players work towards their different objectives, making sure to annoy all other players along the way.

Fanhunter: Assault Review

This is my review of the game including my final summary.

Fanhunter Comic Background

I’m going to look at the background of ‘Fanhunter‘ which can be found in Spanish comic books

Fanhunter Comic Book Cover

So an ex-librarian in Barcelona in 1996 calls himself the new ‘Pope’. Pope Alejo. Oh, by the way, he thinks he’s possessed by Philip K Dick.

He kills the old pope and bribes Europe to abide by ‘Dick’s Rule’. This bans any subcultures. (Games, Comics, DVDs etc) Obviously, the Works of Philip K Dick are allowed.

So Alejo creates the ‘Fanhunters’. A not-so-bright special force to eliminate civilians that resist these new rules. Also, just to get rid of any geeks left in Europe. (Now Called ‘Europe of Dick’.

The rebels create resistance to fight back. They use their knowledge of Geek culture to defend their lifestyle pulling from films, tv shows and the games they enjoyed.

So that’s the basics.

Fanhunter: Assault Summary

I really like the theme and the backstory as it’s something I can really get in to.

The Fanhunter: Assault game itself is crazy and a bit random, but not Fluxx levels of randomness. The items, people and all the cards and artwork are great to look at. Lots of nostalgia and references added in there where you keep showing cards to the other players and say “Look at this!” 🙂

It’s a good bit of geeky fun.

Jesta ThaRogue

Note: The copy I played was a review copy generously provided by Devir Games, big thanks to them for this game.

Fanhunter: Assault First Impressions
Article Name
Fanhunter: Assault First Impressions
Fanhunter: Assault review
Jesta ThaRogue


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