Drop It Dexterity Game First Impressions

In Drop It, you quite literally, get a thing and do just that.

But, you just have to let things go and see what happens.

Circles, triangles, squares and diamonds: It’s about letting go, with the pieces you drop landing somewhere in the vertical game board, ideally where they’ll score the most points, but the tiles bounce around and don’t always land where you expect them to!

Drop It Summary

This is a unique game really as far as ‘dexterity’ games go. It’s like Connect 4 but you have no idea where your piece will land 🙂

I did play the Tetris game where you put Tetris shapes into a similar frame but the pieces are locked in like Connect 4.

I guess FlowerFall is similar in description. I’ve never played it but if you said “A game where you drop things and you score for where they land’ it’s the game that will come to mind for me.

Drop It Components

It’s a fun game. You have these pieces and on quite a few turns you’re restricted. You might see a bunch of red and squares on the top level and think, “OK, I can’t drop anything Red or anything Square”. Simple.

The pieces are heavy. They generally drop and stick. But if a triangle lands on a point or a circle lands on anything at an angle it’ll bounce. This encourages trick-shot attempts!

The issue comes late game. If you can’t drop a Green or a Circle and all you have is 2 Green Circles. So while you always want to drop something that will score, you need to help yourself by keeping your options open later.

For a simple game, it is very fun and actually quite challenging. I never thought when I started I would be thinking of the long-term strategy of the ‘late game 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

Drop It First Impressions
Drop It First Impressions

My first impressions of Drop It including a brief overview of gameplay followed by my final summary. Jesta ThaRogue


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