Don’t be a Dik Dik First Impressions

Don't Be a Dik Dik Box

Don’t be a Dik Dik sees you match up pairs of rude sounding animals.

Will you be left with that particular card?

There are lots of naughty names in nature, and we’ve brought them to you in this hilarious card game.

Don’t be a Dik Dik Game Play

Deal out all the cards to all players. If any players have any pairs, they’re played onto the table.

Don't be a Dik Dik Pairs

On a player’s turn, they ask a specific player for a specific card that you have in your hand. If they have it they give it to you and you put them into play as a pair. Every time you play a pair, you call out the name of that animal 🙂

If they had the card you also continue your turn asking any player for any card again.

But if they don’t have it, the player ends their turn by passing any card from their hand to the player on their left then play continues clockwise.

Don't be a Dik Dik Cards

If a player has no cards in hand they are out and can not lose. If a player starts their turn with only 1 card they pass it without asking for a card first and are also out.

When there are only 3 cards in play, if one player is only holding the Dik-Dik, they are just that and lose.

If the player with 2 cards has it, it’s time for roulette!

The player with 1 card chooses one from the player with 2. If they pick the Dik-Dik, they lose, if they don’t then the other player is the Dik-Dik and will lose.

Whoever is the Dik-Dik, they announce “I am a Dik-Dik” and lose.


It’s a fun idea to put all of these rude animal names together and have the loser be a Dik-Dik.


Shuffle and deal, couldn’t be easier.

Components & Artwork

Standard cards in a standard box. The art is cute and the little puns on the cards are fun to read too.

I would have liked to have a line or two of serious facts on the card somewhere so you can learn something too.

Ease of Teaching

Could not be easier.

Don’t be a Dik Dik Summary

I looked at Old Maid and I said I wanted that system to be used in a better game. This is basically Go Fish with an Old Maid finish.

It is fun to ask for these creature names out loud, it makes me giggle. For multiple games would it still work? I doubt it.

But for this one game, especially as I didn’t lose, it was a good laugh.

Jesta ThaRogue

Don't be a Dik Dik First Impressions
Article Name
Don't be a Dik Dik First Impressions
Don't be a Dik Dik review
Jesta ThaRogue


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