Coimbra Board Game First Impressions

In Coimbra you’re both drafting and placing dice…

…then it all kicks off!

In the 15th and 16th century, Portugal is thriving under its leading role during the Age of Discovery. Nestled in the heart of Portugal, the city of Coimbra serves as a cultural centre of the country. As the head of one of Coimbra’s oldest houses, you seek to earn prestige by deepening relationships with nearby monasteries or funding expeditions of the era. To reach this goal, you must vie for the favours of the city’s most influential citizens, even if you must offer a bit of coin or some protective detail.

Coimbra Comparisons

Dice placement Euros are games I like.

My favourite is Bora Bora. Just because of how deep the game is and how pretty the theme is too. Also, and this is important, rolling all low numbers isn’t a disadvantage.

It’s the same in Coimbra, everyone has the same pool to pick from so the value of those dice doesn’t really matter. Not happy with your pick? get more crowns and move up your turn order!

Another good one is Santa Maria. Again, everyone is drafting from the same pool of dice. Also here, as each row on your board is only as valuable as you make it the dice are fairly even in value.

Coimbra Board

Game Play

So much to think about when placing a single die…

First off, which of the available cards and tiles are going to help your strategy? Are there any available at all? Are there any ‘must haves’ in that row and is there a backup just in case you don’t get ‘the one?

Also, can you afford it? Again, can you afford the backup in that row if the card you want isn’t available? Will the card move you up on a track that you need to move up on?

That’s just the value of the die.

With colour, let’s start with Grey and Orange. This will give you the Guards and Gold needed to buy the cards above. Do you need it? Will it give you ‘too much’. Same for Green really, but this will give you victory points.

With the Purple Pilgrim, any movement is good movement but how effective will it be this turn?

Is ANY of this moving you towards completing a Voyage or winning the majority on a track?

Also, because all of the cards change from round to round and the Voyages and starting cards change from game to game, there is a lot to replay here.

Jesta ThaRogue

Coimbra First Impressions
Coimbra First Impressions

Coimbra review


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