Chocobo’s Crystal Hunt First Impressions

In Chocobo’s Crystal Hunt, Chocobo’s Hunt for Crystals.

Buckle up, this is a bad one.

Help the Chocobos on their crystal hunt! Send your cute Chocobos on a journey to steal your opponents’ crystals…before they can steal yours! Use your intuition and observation skills in this fast-paced, fun and addictive game.

Chocobo’s Crystal Hunt Game Play

So everyone gets a Fat Chocobo card and a random Crystal. The crystals are distributed so each player has a different one of the various types.

On your turn, you draw a card and then play a card from your hand. If it’s a normal Chocobo you take a random card from another player’s hand and discard the played Chocobo.

If you play your Fat Chocobo you do the same thing but you bring it back into your hand and end your turn.

Chocobo's Crystal Hunt Cards

Some of the cards are traps that trigger if you pull them from another player’s hand. These make you discard cards etc

Eventually, someone will have 6 crystals or one of each type and they win.


I played Final Fantasy VII on the PS1, FFX on the PS2 and XI, that MMORPG on PC about 15 years ago and that’s it so I don’t know the universe that well.

Do Chocobos collect crystals? I thought they just raced each other or something?


Deal a Fat Chocobo and a token with a Crystal on, that’s it.

Components & Artwork

The art is pretty nice to be fair. The card quality is OK from what I remember, nothing special but I didn’t feel like they wouldn’t last long or MUST be sleeved.

Ease of Teaching & Accessibility

It’s fairly straightforward if taught somewhat correctly. It’s a light game so it is accessible.

Chocobo’s Crystal Hunt Summary

I did a review of Old Maid and wanted it to be updated but I still wanted it better than this.

I mean you just play cards to steal cards and hope you pick the right one. If you have the most cards in hand you’ll be a target. If you pick poorly (even though it’s random) you can keep picking traps and getting screwed.

There are loads of light random games better than this, just play Pina Pirata.

Jesta ThaRogue

Chocobo's Crystal Hunt First Impressions
Article Name
Chocobo's Crystal Hunt First Impressions
Chocobo's Crystal Hunt review
Jesta ThaRogue


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