BUS Card Game First Impressions

BUS is a pickup and deliver game where you drive the bus.

You pick up and deliver… people!

You’ll need absolute effiency in this quick, “Pick up and Deliver” game of balancing speed and maximum capacity. Don’t get too distracted dropping off passengers, because your opponents might beat you to the bus stop or change your route through road construction!

BUS Game Play

Road cards are placed in a grid to set up the town. Players each have a bus on a starting space chosen in turn order and they also take a passenger card.


On a player’s turn, they move their bus a number of spaces up to their speed limit. The limit is shown on the passenger card which also shows the points that the card is worth. This always totals 6 so if the card is worth 4 points, the movement speed will be 2.

Players can stop at bus stops to pick up more passengers and their speed will be capped by the passenger with the lowest speed value on the bus.

BUS Passengers

If a player stops on or passes by a drop-off point matching the colour of a passenger they drop them off, moving them in their play area to show this.

Players can stop on a construction site and once per game, use it to switch any 2 road tiles.

The first player to drop off 5 full passengers cards is the winner.


Buses have a fixed route right? This is more like a shared taxi with no fixed route


Lay out cards to make the town grid.

Components & Artwork

It’s a Pack O Gum game so all of the cards are THAT size and shape but can and do spin on the table a bit. It wasn’t too bad though.

The limited art is pretty cute.

Ease of Teaching

Very simple to teach. It’s all open information too.

BUS Summary

This is the second Pack o Gum game I’ve played after DIG and both are pretty good.

It’s a very limited component pool in both size, shape and quantity so to make enjoyable games is a job well done.

I mean, both are very simple but they’re not boring or bad. I wanted to DIg the right bones just like I wanted to BUS the right people.

This plays 2-3 players so if you’re looking for a simple pick-up and deliver game that plays in 20 mins and takes up a very little table and shelf space, this is the one for you.

Jesta ThaRogue

BUS Card Game First Impression
Article Name
BUS Card Game First Impression
BUS Review
Jesta ThaRogue


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