Arlukkachase First Impressions

In Arlukkachase you’re chasing the Arlukkey while avoiding the Darkarlukka.

I hope you like the word ‘Arlukka’.

Darkarlukka Returns. Your Only Hope Is In The Arlukkey.

Arlukkachase Game Play

In this game, one player is the Darkarlukka and starts with Darkarlukka cards in their hand. the rest of the players start with a normal hand of cards from the deck.

On your turn, you play any number of cards from your hand, then end your turn by drawing a card

Arlukkachase hand of cards

The regular cards are all based around ‘Arlukka’, such as that ReflectArlukka in the image above. They have several abilities including:

  • Rob – Steal a card
  • Peek – Look at cards in the deck
  • Shuff – Shuffle any deck
  • Wak – Force a player to take 2 turns
  • Skip – Skip your turn
  • Reflect – Bounce back a played card to its player
  • Naah – Cancel a card ability

So why skip a turn or make a player take 2 turns?

Well, if you draw a Darkarlukka card you need to have an Arlukkashield (I think?) in your hand to counter it. If you don’t you’re out.

The Darkarlukka player can add Darkarlukka cards anywhere into the deck secretly, which is fun.

There are other things such as battles etc that I won’t get into in detail here but the last player standing wins.




Pick a random player to be the Darkarlukka and dish out cards, easy.

Components & Artwork

The cards are OK and will probably need to be sleeved. The tokens were really nice but I personally would rather have cardboard or cheap plastic (Like the One Night Ultimate Series) rather than pay for heavy plastic or clay.

Arlukkachase tokens

Ease of Teaching & Accessibility

It seems OK. Most of the cards make sense but there was some confusion about which effects you can ‘Reflect’ or ‘Naah’, that should be on the card.

It’s not a hidden role game, the Darkarlukka is known from the start so mistakes are not a problem making the game quite accessible.

Arlukkachase Summary

There are a few games like it and the one I thought of immediately was Stay Away! where one player is trying to infect all the others. That has player elimination too.

This is a fun game at its core. It’s simple to play so you’re not thinking too hard when you’re playing cards to try and get opponents eliminated.

I’m not sure what stage of development the game is in as at the time of writing it hasn’t been released. But there are issues…

The main one is the battles. A battle can lead to a player drawing quite a few Arlukkashields from out of the game… This will lead to the game having almost twice as many Arlukkashields as Darkarlukka.

Not much fun for the Darkarlukka player… me. You can force players to discard cards etc but ONLY if you draw the card that allows you to do so…

So, I would play this again when the final version is out. Look out for it!

Jesta ThaRogue

Arlukkachase First Impressions
Article Name
Arlukkachase First Impressions
A review of Arlukkachase
Jesta ThaRogue


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