Are You a Robot? First Impressions

Are you a robot box

Are You a Robot? Interesting question…

How would you know?

Our space colony has been infiltrated by murderous androids who look just like us. We are gradually being replaced by look-alikes! The only way to find out for sure if someone is a robot is by shooting them with your laser pistol. Our only hope is to destroy the robots one by one!

Are You a Robot? Game Play

Each player is secretly dealt a random card. The deck has 3 cards, 2 humans and a robot. In a two-player game, one of these cards is set aside.

Players now discuss and ask each other questions to find out who the robot is while the robot player lies and bluffs. This can go on as long as you like! But generally takes about a minute.

At any time, a Human can choose to shoot another player or shake their hand. The Humans win if they shoot the Robot or shake hands with each other. The Robot wins if humans shoot one another or shake the robot’s hand.


I actually like the idea of having to play multiple rounds of this very quick game because you’re working your way around your colony destroying robots.

It adds a story to it all, you can imagine these interactions happening simultaneously all over the Colony.


Shuffle the 3 cards and deal them out… As I said, put one card aside if playing with 2 players.

That is it.

Components & Artwork

Standard cards and that Looney Labs artwork I’m not a fan of. They put themselves on the cards too…

Are you a Robot Cards

Ease of Teaching

Could not be easier!

As long as people don’t say what their card is they can’t really go wrong rules-wise.

Are You a Robot? Summary

This is basically Win, Lose or Banana or Where art thou Romeo? (A mini-game that came with the Council of Verona) which play 3 and 5 players respectively.

With two players there are no choices. If I picked a card first and I picked a human, it’s 50/50 for my opponent so it’s anyone’s guess. If I offer to shake I either win or lose so I’m better off waiting for a handshake offer. Should I get shot and lose, oh well!

If I pick first and pick Robot, I just wait for the handshake offer.

If my opponent picks first there was a 66% chance they are human. So if I draw a human I offer to shake but if I draw a robot I wait for a handshake. It’s the Monty Hall problem really but with less choice.

So whatever, it’s in my best interest to do nothing and wait for my opponent to act, not a fun game.

Basically what I’m saying is that, especially in two players, it doesn’t actually matter what you do at all.

Jesta ThaRogue

Are You a Robot? First Impressions
Article Name
Are You a Robot? First Impressions
Are You a Robot? review
Jesta ThaRogue


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