Monster My Neighbour How to Play & Review

Monster My Neighbour Box

Monster My Neighbour is a bluffing and deduction card game.

Title: Monster My Neighbour

Year Published: 2015

Designer: Pesu Nabeno

Publisher: Korea Boardgames co. Ltd

Players: 3-8

Game Time: ~20 mins

Set-up Time: ~2 mins

Ages: 8+

Theme: Monsters

Mechanic: Bluffing, Deduction

How to win: Score the most points after 5 rounds.

Game Description

One player is a monster, another is a hunter — but who knows who is whom? What you do know, though, is that you can be either a hunter trying to capture the monster or a monster escaping from the hunters.

Monster My Neighbour Set Up

Take the 5 Monster cards and shuffle them to create the Monster deck. Put one aside face down for now.

Then, take any single Hunter card, any single Hide card and the Wanted card out of the main deck. These 3 cards will be in every game so put them face down with a random Monster… Don’t look at the Monster.

Monster My Neighbour starting cards

Shuffle the other cards and add cards from this deck to these 4 depending on the player count… There will be enough cards for 4 per player. Shuffle this completed deck and deal out the cards.

Play starts with the player holding the Wanted card, they discard it (as their turn) and play continues clockwise.

Monster My Neighbour Game Play

Each player will take a card from their hand and play it in front of themselves face up. This will activate the ability on it. Play continues like this until the Monster is played or the Monster is discarded. This will determine points for the round.

But it’s not as simple as playing the Monster as soon as possible and winning, that would not be a good game and I wouldn’t waste my time writing about it and taking pictures, no no no.

Each card in your hand is also a round tracker and cards can only be played in certain rounds. Each Monster card tells you when it can be played… Green is Yes, Red is no and Orange is dependent on certain circumstances.

Monster My Neighbour round tracker
This Monster cannot be played in Round 1 but can be played in Round 4. It also might be playable on Rounds 2 and 3 if conditions are met.

What are these other cards? Let me tell you…


The Hunters can’t be played in the first round of the game but in rounds 2, 3 and 4 can be used to, hopefully, force a player to discard the Monster for the win. If a Hunter is ever discarded rather than played put it FACE DOWN in front of you. (I’ll explain why in a bit)

Monster My Neighbour hunter

The Dog, of which there is only one, forces a player to discard a card and goes into their hand. If they discard the Monster, obviously only because it’s their last card they’d be mad to discard it otherwise, the non-Monsters win the round.

Monster My Neighbour dog

The Villager cards do nothing… There are only 2 in the deck, fortunately.

Monster My Neighbour Villager

The 5 Monsters each work differently and they each have a different ability that all players need to read and understand.


This card is immune to Hunters in the last round so basically, you can only lose to the Dog… that would be embarrassing.

Monster My Neighbour Goomiho

The Vampire gives you an additional point if you win.

Monster My Neighbour Vampire

The Mermaid cancels the first Hunter played in the game which is why discarded hunters should be placed face down. This is so that if the Mermaid is passed to another player during the game they know if a Hunter has been played or not.

Monster My Neighbour Mermaid

The Mandrake can technically win on round one if both Villagers had been played already.

Monster My Neighbour Mandrake

The Werewolf can be played in rounds 2 & 3 if 2 Hunter cards have been already been played this round.

Monster My Neighbour Werewolf

The Monsters do have help…

There are 2 Friends cards in the deck, one of which is put into the game during setup and these put that player on the Monster team, hopefully causing a player to discard a Hunter card.

Monster My Neighbour Friend

There are also 5 Hide cards, 1 of which is added to the game in the setup and these prevent Hunter cards from working on the player holding the Monster.

Hide Card

Action Cards

The remaining 6 card types are all actions that are played and activated…

A Rumour makes you draw a random card from the player on your right, Fog sees all players putting a card into the middle of the table and for them to be shuffled and dealt out and Gossip is where players choose a card from their hand and pass it to the player on their left. All random passing of cards and the Monster card is not immune to this…

Action Cards 1

Investigation lets you look at a player’s hand and the Deal and Steal cards see you swapping cards with another player in two different ways.

Action Cards 2

Once a round ends Victory Points are rewarded.

So if the Monster card is played for the win the Monster and Friends score. They get 2 victory points each.

If the Monster card is discarded the player causing the discard gets 2 victory points. All other non-Monster, non-friend players get 1 victory point.

Should a Friend accidentally causes the monster to be discarded, all non-Monster, non-friend players get 1 victory point.

Point Tokens

Game End

After 5 rounds whoever has the most points wins. You can play extra rounds to break ties or just win together.

Monster My Neighbour Round-Up

Simple game, small box, yeah it’s VERY random but rounds are so short you just shuffle up and start the next one. It’s not like Avalon where one game lasts 45 minutes.

It does require accuracy and understanding from the players… Due to its ‘deduction nature’, you can’t really ask questions while playing and some of the rules are a bit fiddly, especially for the inexperienced gamer.

The Monster abilities, what Hide cards do, who scores how many points, when Monsters can be played etc All not quite straightforward.

Also, you need to understand the game… You may discard your Villager card first because it does nothing but if 2 players do it, the Mandrake could win in the first round!

Of course, no one will know if the Mandrake is in the game to begin with because the chosen Monster is both random and hidden.

I think because it’s so cute and cartoony that rules explanations are only semi-listened to sometimes and then people think ‘oops, no idea what to do here’ or maybe it’s so fiddly with small rules that it’s hard to take everything in?

Whatever, it’s fun once everyone knows what to do! 🙂


Monster My Neighbour is random, but fun.

I give it 6/10

Jesta ThaRogue

Monster My Neighbour How to Play & Review
Article Name
Monster My Neighbour How to Play & Review
Monster My Neighbour review
Jesta ThaRogue


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