Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! How to Play & Review

Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! is a memory, hand management game.

Title: Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule!

Year Published: 2013

Designer: David Luis Sanhueza

Publisher: Game Salute

Players: 1-4

Game Time: 15+ Mins

Set-up Time: >10 Mins

Ages: 6+

Theme: Fantasy

Mechanic: Memory, Set Collection, Hand Management

How to win: Gain 6 Fairies or have 0 Goblins.

Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! Game Description

For a long, long time, goblins and fairies have lived in a magical world right beneath our noses. If you look hard enough, you can find rings of mushrooms, called “fairy rings”, which act as doors between their world and ours. Today, a gang of mischievous goblins escaped from the fairy ring, and it is up to the players to send them back before they cause trouble! But an ancient spell of rhymes which transforms goblins into fairies and fairies into goblins makes this a trickier task than you might think…


You have a deck of cards with a Goblin on one side and a Fairie on the other.

Shuffle the deck Goblins side up and deal 4 to each player, these are kept face up. Players can look at the face-up side of any player’s cards but can’t look at the face-down side.

Deal 4 Fairies into the middle of the table to create the “Fairy Circle”.

Remove all other cards from the game then randomly determine a start player.

Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! Setup
How your set-up and hand of cards might look at the start of the game.

Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! Game Play

On your turn, you add one of your cards to the Fairy Ring then flip any card that Rhymes with the card you added over.

Once done, take any cards that share a symbol with the card you added, but not the card you added itself.

If a Star Card is added to the middle of the table then all other cards are flipped.

Play continues to the left.

Game End

At the end of a player’s turn, if a player has either no Goblins regardless of Fairies or 6 Fairies regardless of Goblins in their play area, they win.


Yeah, it’s a kid’s game. But the playtime is so short that adults get quite competitive. Turns are fast so time goes quickly while playing it.

It can be quite tactical, trying to flip the cards you need to maximise your turn.


Doesn’t quite have that ‘Love Letter’ effect but still fun.

I give it a 3/10

Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! How to Play & Review
Article Name
Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule! How to Play & Review
Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule!Review
Jesta ThaRogue


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