Evil Baby Orphanage How to Play & Review

Evil Baby Orphanage is a semi-educational game of time travel and abduction!

Title: Evil Baby Orphanage

Year Published: 2011

Designer: Justin Gibbs, Mack Martin

Publisher: Wyrd Miniatures

Players: 3-6

Game Time: 15 Mins

Set-up Time: >5 Mins

Ages: 10+

Theme: Evil Babies

Mechanic: Card Game

How to win: Get 8 mischief

Game Description

Evil Baby Orphanage is a communal deck party card game for three or more players. Each player takes on the role of a Time Nanny using advanced time out technology to rid the time stream of the world’s worst villains and “prehabilitate” them to be accountants, or ballerinas, or something.

The game consists of two decks; the baby deck and the nanny deck. During your turn play nanny cards from your hand to “adopt” babies from your friends, keep your babies in check, and make your opponent’s babies go nuts. Then each of your babies takes its “unsupervised actions” unless you can calm them down with toys or nap time. Finally, adopt an evil baby from the time stream (three face up babies from the baby deck), draw more nanny cards, and end your turn.

Start your turn with ten mischief and win the game, but be careful, containing the world’s most mischievous babies isn’t easy! Keep your babies from burning down your orphanage as you try to keep the Unabomber away from the arts and crafts table, Kim Jong Il away from the toy rocket ship, and Caligula away from everyone…

Evil Baby Orphanage Set Up

Each player is dealt a random Time Nanny which is placed face up in front of the player. The rest are placed back in the tin.

Each player is dealt 4 Nanny cards placed in the centre of the table creating the Nanny deck.

Each player is dealt 1 Evil Baby to get their Orphanage started, this is placed in front of them. The rest are placed in the centre of the table to create the Baby deck. 3 babies are turned face up creating the time stream.

Time Nannies from Evil Baby Orphanage
Time Nannies from Evil Baby Orphanage

Evil Baby Orphanage Game Play

A player’s turn is taken over 5 phases.

1 – Win

If you have 8 mischiefs at the beginning of your turn, you win.

2 – Activity

Players play the cards in their hands and then follow the instructions on them.

3 – Supervise

From left to right, each player resolves the ‘unsupervised’ effects on their babies. Some babies have their own unique text but most have one or more of the following 5 symbols.

Bully – Choose an opponent then move one of their babies to an orphanage on their left or right

Biter – Choose one of your other babies then move it to an orphanage on your left or right

Grabby – Let’s you steal a toy or time machine from another Nanny

Babbling – Players to your left or right draw a card

Creepy – This baby moves to your left or right.

If you played a good toy into your Orphanage in the Activity page, you can discard it to ‘Supervise’ a baby so it does not perform its unsupervised actions.

Evil Baby Orphanage Babies
Babies from the Evil Baby Orphanage

4 – Adopt

Take a baby or time machine from the time stream. Put a baby either on the left or right of your Orphanage then refill the time stream.

5 – Draw

Discard any number of cards in your hand and draw back up to 4

Evil Baby Orphanage Toys and Cards
Toys and Nanny Cards from Evil Baby Orphanage

End Game

At the start of a player’s turn, if they have 8+ mischief in their Orphanage, they win. There are alternate win conditions on some of the Time Nannies.

Evil Baby Orphanage Round-Up

Erm… ok.

Firstly the theme and art are great and it’s a very unique theme and while playing we have used Wikipedia to learn more about these evil characters from history. I love the art in the game, especially for the cute little toys. (Check out Hannibal’s Elephant!)

The activity cards are good, and cute too. There’s some fun to be had stealing babies from other Orphanages or shuffling them around the table.

There are tactical choices to be made. When to play activity cards, when to supervise babies, which side of your orphanage to put babies in.

But, the game is a little random and one good card draw can win it on turn 2.


Too slow for a filler, not challenging enough for anything else. But it does come with cuteness and laughs.

I give it 3/10

Evil Baby Orphanage How to Play & Review
Article Name
Evil Baby Orphanage How to Play & Review
A quick text 'how to play' of Evil Baby Orphanage & Review
Jesta ThaRogue


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